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Therapy for Highly Sensitive People: Finding the Right Fit

Do sights, sounds, and smells impact you more than others? Are you quick to show intense emotions or experience them very deeply?

In that case, you may be a highly sensitive person. Being an HSP is no better or worse than being a non-HSP, but it does come with its share of challenges.

So let’s take a closer look at how therapy may help your HSP challenges.

The Benefits Of Therapy For Highly Sensitive People

Empathy And Understanding

First and foremost, therapy for highly sensitive people can promote more empathy and understanding from your relationships, because if most of your friends and family members aren’t HSPs, they may have trouble seeing your point of view.

Therapists, however, are trained to listen actively and deeply. Whether or not your therapist is an HSP, they’ll listen to your perspective and provide understanding and coping strategies.

Finding Sensory Coping Strategies

You interact with the world by using your senses, and we are constantly taking in sensory information every waking moment. For HSPs, however, that sensory information often results in sensory overload.

Some coping strategies may include noise-filtering earplugs, taking frequent breaks, or closing your eyes for several minutes in between activities.

However, a good therapist who understands the highly sensitive mind can supplement such strategies with deeper analysis into your unique HSP challenges. Ultimately, you will discover additional coping strategies to help you thrive when the world seems to be “too much.”

Overcoming Compassion Fatigue

Highly sensitive people often make great friends, and that’s because being an HSP goes hand in hand with having a lot of empathy. Overall, that’s a wonderful thing. However, being so in tune with everyone else’s emotions can put you at risk for “compassion fatigue.”

For example, compassion fatigue happens frequently with caretakers, such as nurses, nannies, or just highly observant friends. You may experience compassion fatigue if your friends come to you with their problems, and even more if you don’t have anyone to talk to about your own struggles.

Compassion fatigue can lead to and/or exhibit the same symptoms as depression, including anger, hopelessness, exhaustion, and burnout.

One of the best ways to deal with compassion fatigue is with therapy, which will help you maintain your compassion, but without drying up your own emotional well.

Finding A Therapist For Highly Sensitive People

Education, Training, And Experience

When it’s time to find a therapist, the most important thing is to ensure your therapist is trained, licensed, educated, and experienced. Start by looking at websites for therapists in your area and reviewing their experience and expertise.

Ask Questions

Once you’ve found some therapists who might fit the bill, start asking questions. As a highly sensitive person, you may not often dive into new situations headfirst. You can choose your therapist in the same way you decide on anything else: by assessing, observing, and questioning.

As an HSP, you’ll want to ask them how they handle therapy for highly sensitive people and their HSP knowledge. For example:

● Have they received formal education on the topic?

● What is their experience working with highly sensitive people?

● Do they have a specific therapeutic approach for HSPs?

Attend A “Get To Know You” Session

Schedule an initial appointment with your therapist to get an idea of what you can expect, their therapy methods, and what you want to get out of therapy.

If you don’t feel like you’ve connected with this therapist, then resume your search until you find an ideal fit.

Therapy For Highly Sensitive People At Connected Roots

Therapy for highly sensitive people must be approached with care.

At Connected Roots, we understand the unique therapy needs of highly sensitive people. If you’re an HSP seeking therapy, we’re here to listen with empathy and address your needs.

Our team is highly experienced with a wide variety of therapy methods, and we can tailor your therapy experience to match your unique challenges.

Want to learn more about therapy with Connected Roots? Then reach out to us today. We would love to help you get started.

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